Goblin Goods

Cloth, beads, leather, gears.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Alien masks

I found these 3" ceramic alienesque masks in Big Lots for 99 cents per threepack, and bought them out.

They come with little sets of paint, which I used for the base coats on all of these. The black on the right is sharpie, and reminds me of a cross between kabuki masks and Gene Simmons.

Cat Dancer

This is one of my first dolls, and was made for an exchange with Lynn Dewart, who is an amazing doll artist.

It's just simple pancake-type construction with a leather mask, silk skirt, and fabric paint details. She has a heart bead on her chest and a tiny bell in her hand.


The holiday candy sampler from a couple of years ago. Included in this batch were: chocolate-dipped dried apricots, three kinds of truffles (irish cream, orange, and rum), figs with walnuts, mint jellies, and candied orange peels.

Punk Duck!

This was part of a Hexmas present for my sister-in-law. I also made a glitter duck and a green duck, but Punk Duck is by far the coolest.

Creepy Cats

These are two of my Creepy Cats - the first two, actually. I like the face on the left one better.

This is the kind of thing I might put in an Etsy shop. Now if only I could find a picture of the Baleful Bunnies...
A frog I made from polar fleece scraps left over from my hat-making craze one year. I think I gave this one to the nephew, but I'm not sure.

This is from a pattern I found in Soft Dolls & Animals magazine.


I found a CD with a bunch of my old crafty goodness on it! Yay! Here we have one of my stranger projects, from a Nervousness swap of Internal Organ Pillows. I chose the pancreas because my husband is diabetic.

The Islet Cells are buttons, and the "Eyelet Cells" are plastic eyes for stuffed animals.

Namesake doll

I've lost a lot of the photos of my past creations, which is sad, but this is one of my favorites. She's from a Nervousness.org exchange started by me and Slinky-Punk, and is meant to be a representation of my username there, Brunahildm.

She's a siamese viking because my siamese cat is also named Brunahild. Her dress, headband, and bracers are made from supersoft suede from an old jacket I took apart. Her breastplate thingies are two pairs of buttons, and her belt says BrunahildM in futhark runes.

She lives in South Africa, now.

Hi there...

This is my first venture into blogging, other than my LiveJournal. I plan to use this space to post all of the crafty things I make, and to motivate myself to be craftier than I currently am. In a bit of a slump, but that should change as I get the craft room straightened out and usable.

Once that happens I hope to become productive enough to open an Etsy shop. Right now almost everything I make gets traded or gifted away.